The site is zoned rural under the Tararua District Plan. It is envisaged that this site will combine a papakainga development of around 10 homes, alongside a commercial food production facility that will provide whanau with seasonal employment and income opportunities.
Te Tahua o Rangitane is hosting a series of workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions for whanau who are interested in living within a papakainga environment.
The site is located at the eastern edge of Dannevirke and was once the location of Hillcrest School.
Work is well advanced to transform this site to a mixed tenure / mixed typology housing subdivision which will provide Rangitāne whanau with warm, secure low maintenance homes.
As a premium build site within Dannevirke, it enjoys outstanding views across the Domain, stream and surrounding hills whilst being 5 minutes from Dannevirke's amenities.
The site is beautiful.
The layout plan shown is indicative of what the site could include, although this is subject to both whanau demand (what housing they want / need), the consenting process and Govt funding availability.
Initial layout options are provided to stimulate conversation and help Rangitāne whanau and the local community picture what could be possible on this premium site overlooking the Lower Domain.
A beautiful site on the eastern slopes of Pahiatua township that is characterised by established trees and a view to the west.
Beautifully proportioned for a mixed use housing development, development on this site will not start in earnest until 2025.
The Tararua District Council has recently completed an upgrade of the storm and waste water connections in Pahiatua that will allow this development to proceed.
Initial layout options are provided to stimulate conversation and help Rangitāne whanau and the local community picture what could be possible on this premium site.
There is incredible cultural significance for Rangitane at Matua Pā along with a strong desire to ‘return home’ - reclaiming presence on the whenua. This was the original Pa site within Masterton and carried with it a reputation of a place of learning and healing – probably influencing the establishment of the main regional hospital adjacent.
This has nurtured an interest to re-establish Matua Pā as a place of wānanga, hauora and manaakitanga.
The sites development is going to support a mix of health, social service, runanga and short-term accommodation options.

Orients to the north and overlooking streams and recreational reserve, while only a stones throw for the central business hub, this site provides a wide range of possible uses – watch this space.